Cyberattacks are increasingly targeting small businesses, making cybersecurity essential. To help protect your business, here are the top 10 cybersecurity tips, each supported by an interesting “Did You Know?” fact.

Use Strong Passwords and Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Did You Know?

  • 80% of data breaches are caused by weak or reused passwords. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) blocks 99.9% of attacks on accounts, adding an extra layer of security.

Using strong, unique passwords along with MFA significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access to your business’s accounts.

Train Employees on Cybersecurity Best Practices

Did You Know?

  • 95% of cybersecurity breaches are due to human error. After phishing training, the chance of employees clicking on phishing emails drops from 27% to just 2%.

Regular employee training can help prevent cyber threats and reduce human errors that lead to breaches.

Keep Software and Systems Updated

Did You Know?

  • 60% of data breaches involve unpatched software vulnerabilities. Companies that automate updates experience a 30% reduction in cybersecurity incidents.

Keeping your systems and software up to date is critical to protecting your business from known vulnerabilities.

Implement a Strong Firewall and Antivirus Protection

Did You Know?

  • A strong firewall can block up to 80% of cyberattacks, and 59% of malware infections are prevented by using up-to-date antivirus software.

Firewalls and antivirus solutions act as the first line of defense against external threats, protecting your network from unauthorized access and malware.

Secure Your Wi-Fi Network

Did You Know?

  • 25% of cyberattacks target weak or unprotected Wi-Fi networks. Businesses using WPA3 encryption see a 60% drop in Wi-Fi-related vulnerabilities.

Securing your Wi-Fi network with strong encryption and proper settings helps protect your data from unauthorized users.

Backup Data Regularly

Did You Know?

  • 68% of small businesses don’t have a disaster recovery plan, and 60% of businesses that experience data loss shut down within six months.

Regular backups ensure your business can recover quickly from cyberattacks, ransomware, or hardware failures, minimizing long-term damage.

Control Access to Sensitive Information

Did You Know?

  • 54% of businesses have experienced data breaches due to improper access control. Role-based access controls can reduce the risk of insider threats by up to 40%.

By restricting access to sensitive data, only authorized personnel can view or modify critical information, reducing the risk of leaks.

Create a Response Plan for Cyber Incidents

Did You Know?

  • 77% of businesses without a cybersecurity incident response plan went out of business within six months of a breach. Having a plan reduces the cost of a breach by 35%.

Having an incident response plan enables your business to react quickly to threats and minimize damage from a cybersecurity incident.

Encrypt Sensitive Data

Did You Know?

  • 29% of businesses that experience data breaches fail to encrypt sensitive data. Encrypting data reduces the risk of data theft by over 90%.

Encryption ensures that even if data is stolen, it remains unreadable and useless to cybercriminals.

Monitor Network and Systems Regularly

Did You Know?

  • 60% of businesses are unable to detect cyber threats in real-time due to inadequate network monitoring. Continuous monitoring can reduce the likelihood of a data breach by 44%.

Regularly monitoring your network allows you to detect and respond to unusual activity before it becomes a major threat.

Conclusion: Protect Your Business with Texon Solutions

Implementing these cybersecurity tips can greatly reduce your risk of cyberattacks. However, maintaining ongoing protection can be a challenge. Texon Solutions offers expert cybersecurity services tailored to safeguard your business from evolving threats. From data encryption to real-time network monitoring, we provide comprehensive protection. Contact Texon Solutions today to ensure your business remains secure.